you have a small or large marketing budget. Using the power of the Internet
to increase your business. We show you why print media is declining and how
money spent on online media can increase your profits?
Here are some reasons why:
- Over 70% of online searches are customers looking for local solutions: there are over 300 million searches per day in just the U.S.
- Over 65% of Americans trust in online local search results when choosing a company to do business with offline.
- Over 90% of online commercial searches result in an offline purchase.
- Over 40% of customers report using a location when doing a search online (ex City diner).
We use Social Media and the Internet to increase your bottom line.
- Facebook and Twitter alone have 700,000,000 million members combined
- Youtube is now owned by Google, which means Search Engine Optimization using videos is crucial!
- Members of social media platforms recommend products and services they find online to their social network of friends every single day
Call or Email for more info.